Pay Your Water Dues Here!
It's easy to pay your Water Dues online using Paypal. To pay one or more months of dues, click on the Monthly Dues Payment box below and add this to your cart. This will add one month's water dues to your cart. To pay more than one month, simply change the quantity in your cart to the number of months you'd like to pay.
To take advantage of a 10% discount on your water dues, you can pay your annual dues in one lump sum before September 30, 2014. The option to pay your annual dues will not be available on this site until after the 2015 dues have been determined by the Board. When the option becomes available, click the Annual Dues Payment box and add this to your cart. The annual water dues will be added to your cart and will include the 10% discount.
When you are ready to checkout, click CHECKOUT and go through the Paypal process. Your payment will be recorded within 3 days.